December 27, 2010

Banner Ads Are More Beneficial Then Internet Marketing

Banner ads are considered as the effective promotional tool for product promotion. Controversies are going on regarding the effectiveness of banner ads. Many people are swear by them and many are swear at them by considering that they do not work worth a bushel.

Banner ads are ponder the Internet marketing. Banner ads are graphical promotion which ahs been used over the Internet in the form of advertisement. The size of banner ads could be 468 pixels by 60 pixels. Banner are not only made for the products only but these can be used to advertise a address, phone number or for anything which you would like to promote. The main purpose behind these banner ads is to get some click rates for the product. Apart from that banner ads are sold in three ways cost per impressions (CPM), pay per action (PPA) or pay per click (PPC).

Banner ads are the key part for product promotion. To know more on banner design visit at


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