April 19, 2013

Design Tips to create attractive web banners for your website

To design attractive web banners for your website, the main thing is that to know what are your requirements and how to design attractive and stylish banners for your website. There are various ways to design a good and powerful banner with attractive backgrounds and animated effects. You can create two types of banners like- static and dynamic. You should design your banner neat and clean that should be eye catching power also for the viewers.

If the banner for your website is attractive and eye catching then users will also visit your website and click your products. To design animated banners is an easy and simple way with graphics backgrounds and pre-designed templates. You can use different software programs for creating amazing banners. You can create your banner with various formats and shapes and give superb look. You can use predefined templates for designing banners and create your own banner according to your choice. Banner design tips can increase your clicks on your website.

Some tips to design banners for your website

  • Banner should be simple and attractive, when you design your banner ads for your website.
  • You should use simple and easily understandable words.
  • Use animated styles for designing amazing banners for your website.
  • You should use only relevant material on your website and also related to your banners.
  • Use only Light colors that are eye catching for your viewers.
  • You should change your banner with 3-4 weeks because every person loves to see something different after some time.
  • Make Sure that your necessary information should be in your home or first page of your website.
  • Animation should be in simple and clear way.
  • Messages should be displayed in a simple and easy language.
  • Use only small pictures because it takes less time to load on your server and easily upload on your website.

April 4, 2013

Unique Banner Design Ideas

Banners are a great way to promote your business to a large number of target audiences in one time. They are a perfect advertising medium, because they are naturally attractive and are large. The human eyes are easily persuaded to look at them. To design banner in a unique way, follow these ideas.
  1. Vertical layout – Keeping vertical layout of the banner is an easiest way to add appeal to its design. The customers react more to vertical banners, because it adds legality and air of prestige to the design.

  1. Close-up of a thing relevant to the audience – Including an illustration or close-up shot of something which is relevant to the audience will show that the business shares an understand with the customers.
  1. Split banners – The idea behind these banners is that - do not print one banner, but print two and use them in tandem. The reason for designing such banners is to separate graphics and message, so that they both look distinct but cohesive. For instance – to design banner for promoting a stage show, design one banner with one image having all actors and second banner to contain venue, show date and time, etc.
  1. Sequential banners – These banners are just like the roadside signs which say - ‘Florida oranges 2 miles ahead… 1 mile now’. These can be used in many ways, as road signs or in marketing campaigns or any other. Make the sequential banners similar in style but individually unique. In this way, your business will get a special place in the memories of the customers.
Use Banner Design Studio for best results.

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